Friday, August 13, 2010

Kaffe's Long Leaf Coat is on the wall!

Buffy, I've been given a gift!  Raveler knit22love has sent it. She had a  hard-to-read copy of the pattern for the Kaffe's Long Leaf Coat, so she used her computer to redraw it with Microsoft's Excel. You can see the pattern pieces on her Long Leaf Coat project page.

Her envelope was stuffed. She printed out many sheets of her hand done pattern and taped them together in sections: 3 for the back, 3 for the fronts, 2 for the arms, and two which made up the total length of the border strips.

I wanted cut out the parts and join them together in a paper coat! If I resized the spreadsheet cells to the guage size I would get full-sized pieces to make into a full-sized paper coat! If I printed them out on transfer paper, I could iron the pattern onto fabric and make a full-sized cloth model and try it on!

 But instead I pinned the gift pattern onto the wall.

This pattern is 36 inches wide and 56 inches high. And, amazingly, she did the front as a continuation of the back so that she wouldn't have to read the pattern "upside down" as she knits from the shoulders down to the bottom hem. You can see that clearly in this image.

Check out her project page. It's full of good ideas and and amazing preparation. Her colorways are fabulous.
Interestingly, we are both using Size 9 needles to get guage.

Buffy, I can tell you will finish your coat before the big Kaffe meet-up in October. Absolutely, you need to get another Kaffe project into the planning stage.


  1. Well. I am impressed with the photo of the whole thing put together; I did put the sides together to check on color matches, but never like this. It's like someone else did this, not me! A lady from Australia already saw this on your blog and has asked me for a copy. Knitting could unite the world, given half a chance.

  2. Thanks again for the printout (since my printer is fried.) Must get a new color laser printer. Sounds like a great idea to adjust the cell sizes, print on transfer paper, transfer to fabric and sew up a trial coat! In fact, if I were going to that Kaffe meet-up with GrandmaBuffy, that's what I'd do!!!

    It's really great of you to share your work--what a lot of work....

  3. Hi-- well,as I mentioned, I grew kind of unhappy with my color scheme, so I think that when I see a color combination I don't particularly care for, I'll pay more attention. My theory so far has been, "Stephanie, you worked very hard putting this together, so trust yourself." Truly bad advice! I'm keeping the little color cards I made at hand as well.

    I laid it in the floor again, prowled around some more, kicked the cat off, prowled even more, peered and squinted, and decided where I wanted to stop. I did frog back to the top of leaf 1, and I'm happy with what's left. back, is more like it.

    Well see if my new theory pans out, 'cause it's freelance from now on. More or less.

